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Halachot of Kzayit




100 Berachot

There are various reasons given for saying 100 berachot a day:

  1. David Hamelech made 100 berachot a day to stop the plague that was killing a 100 people every day
  2. The Gematria of each letter of tzaddik- 90 amen's a day, 4 shema's a day, 10 amen yehiy shemei rabba's = 100 berachot
  3. The one hundred poles of the mishkan
  4. Pasuk in devarim- mah Hashem elokecha shoel meemach …gemara: don't read mah (what)  elah me'ah (100)

Here's a basic breakdown of how you might say 100 berachot in a day:

  1. Shacharit (47)
    1. Birchat hashachar (15)
    2. Tefilin (2)
    3. Tzitzit (1)
    4. Asher Yatzar (1)
    5. Al netilat yadim (1)
    6. Elokay netzor (1)
    7. Birchot ha'tora (2)
    8. Baruch she'amar (1)
    9. Yishtabach (1)
    10. Birchot shema (3)
    11. Shemona esrei (19)
  2. Mincha (19)
    1. shemona esrei (19)
  3. Mariv (23)
    1. Berachot before shema (2)
    2. Berachot after shema (2)
    3. Shemona ersrei (19)
  4. Hamotzi meal (6)
    1. Al netilat yadim (1)
    2. Hamotzi (1)
    3. Birkat hamazon (4)
  5. 5 of your choice
    1. Shehakol
    2. Mezonot
    3. Ha'eytz
    4. Ha'adama
    5. Borei nefashot
    6. Al hamichya
    7. Asher yatzar
    8. Hamapil
    9. Oseh ma'aseh bereyshit


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