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Description: The Proper Beracha to Recite Over Rice Krispies, Puffed Rice, Rice Cakes, Hot Cereals and Granola One who eats Rice Krispies cereal of any brand recites the Beracha of Mezonot. Some brands of Rice Krispies - such as Special-K - are produced from ground rice that is then cooked, over which one certainly recites Mezonot. Kellogg's produces Rice Krispies from whole grains of rice, over which one would ordinarily recite Ha'adama. However, since the rice is cooked, one recites the Beracha of Mezonot despite the fact that the rice kernels remain whole throughout the process. Furthermore, the rice kernels are hulled - meaning, their outer shell is removed - as part of the processing, and for this reason, as well, the proper Beracha is Mezonot, rather than Ha'adama. Therefore, over all brands of Rice Krispies one recites the Beracha of Mezonot. Puffed rice and rice cakes are produced from uncooked rice kernels that were not hulled, and hence the proper Beracha is Ha'adama. Hot cereals such as farina and oatmeal are produced from cooked grains, and therefore require the Beracha of Mezonot. Granola is manufactured from uncooked rolled oats, and therefore require the Beracha of Ha'adama. Kellogg's, however, produces granola from cooked rolled oats, and thus the proper Beracha is Mezonot. Likewise, most granola bars sold today are produced from cooked grains, and thus require Mezonot. Halacha of the Day (8/16/2006) By Rabbi Eli Mansour |