halvah |
shehakol |
borei nefashos |
hamantashen |
without kvias sudah |
mezonos |
al hamichya |
with kvias sudah |
hamotzee |
Bircas Hamazon |
hamburger |
shehakol |
borei nefashos |
hash |
if meat is main ingredient |
shehakol |
borei nefashos |
if potatoes are main ingredient |
haadama |
borei nefashos |
hazel nut (including chocolate covered) |
haeitz |
borei nefashos |
herring (including the onions with it) |
shehakol |
borei nefashos |
hominy grits (without grain flour) |
shehakol |
borei nefashos |
honey |
shehakol |
no bracha *3 |
honey cake |
without kvias sudah |
mezonos |
al hamichya |
with kvias sudah |
hamotzee |
Bircas Hamazon |
honeycombs |
mezonos |
al hamichya |
honeydew |
haadama |
borei nefashos |
honey nut cheerios |
mezonos |
al hamichya |
horseradish (if eaten alone) |
shehakol |
no bracha *3 |
hot chocolate (cocoa) |
shehakol |
no bracha *3 |
hot dog |
see "frankfurter" |