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M: Macaroni - Mayonnaise

Macaroni - Mayonnaise

The Food Beracha Rishona Beracha Achrona
macaroni mezonos al hamichya
macaroni and cheese mezonos al hamichya
macaroon, nut (without grain flour) shehakol borei nefashos
maize haadama borei nefashos
malted milk shehakol borei nefashos
maltex (cereal) mezonos al hamichya
mandarin haeitz borei nefashos
  without kvias sudah mezonos al hamichya
  with kvias s'udah hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
mango haeitz borei nefashos
maraschino cherries haeitz borei nefashos
margarine (if eaten alone) shehakol no bracha *3
marshmallow shehakol borei nefashos
marzipan shehakol borei nefashos
mashed fruit haeitz borei nefashos
mashed potatoes haadama borei nefashos
matzo hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
matzo, egg
  without kvias sudah mezonos al hamichya
  with kvias s'udah hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
matzo ball (kneidel) mezonos

al hamichya

matzo brei
  if pieces of matzo are noticeable hamotzee on bread  
  if pieces of matzo are not noticeable mezonos

al hamichya

matzo crackers
  without kvias sudah mezonos al hamichya
  with kvias s'udah hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
matzo farfel
  cooked mezonos

al hamichya


hamotzee on bread  
  plain hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
matzo meal cake
  without kvias sudah mezonos al hamichya
  with kvias s'udah hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
mayonnaise (if eaten alone) shehakol

no bracha *3


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