
Food List

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M: Meat Knish - Mustard

Macaroni - Mayonnaise

Meat Knish - Mustard
The Food Beracha Rishona Beracha Achrona
meat knish

  with thick crust

    without kvias sudah

mezonos al hamichya

    with kvias s'udah

hamotzee Bircas Hamazon

  with thin crust


borei nefashos *1

meat loaf
  with matzo meal as binder shehakol

borei nefashos

  with bread crumbs or matzo meal added for taste

    without kvias sudah


al hamichya

    with kvias s'udah

hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
meat pie (with pie crust)
  without kvias sudah mezonos al hamichya *5
  with kvias s'udah hamotzee Bircas Hamazon *5
meat (all) shehakol borei nefashos
meatballs (even with added matzo meal as a binder) shehakol borei nefashos
  plain no bracha

  pleasant tasting shehakol

no bracha *3

  water taken with medicine
    if thirsty shehakol

borei nefashos

    if not thirsty

no bracha no bracha
melba toast hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
melon (all) haadama borei nefashos
"mezonos BREAD"

  eaten as a meal

hamotzee Bircas Hamazon

  eaten merely as a snack

mezonos al hamichya
milk shehakol

borei nefashos

milkshake shehakol borei nefashos
millet haadama borei nefashos
mints shehakol borei nefashos
mock liver haadama borei nefashos
muenster cheese shehakol borei nefashos

  without kvias sudah


al hamichya

  with kvias s'udah

hamotzee Bircas Hamazon
mulberry haeitz borei nefashos
mushroom shehakol borei nefashos
mushroom and barley soup see "barley soup"
mushroom omelet shehakol borei nefashos
mushroom soup shehakol borei nefashos *2
mustard (if eaten alone) shehakol no bracha *3


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